Our classes

Classes must be booked at Class Schedule & Bookings | Btfitness
6.15: Strength & Conditioning (free to members)
9.30: Strength & Conditioning (free to members)
17.00: Karate (age 5-10)
18.00: Karate (kumite)
18.30: Polar Spin (free to members)
19.15: Pilates
20.15: Fitsteps (book at 0871354047)
9.30: Circuits (free to members)
15.00: Ballet (various classes)
18.45: Circuits (free to members)
6.15: Cycle, Ski, Row (free to members)
9.30: Sculpt & Mobility (free to members)
18.10: Kettlebell (free to members)
19.00: Junior Gym (age 10-14)
18.15: Adults/Teens Karate
20.15: Fitsteps (book at 0871354047)
9.30: Core & Glutes (free to members)
16.30: Karate (age 5-10)
17.30: Karate (age 11+)
18.30: Cycle Ski Row (free to members)
6.15: Strength & Conditioning (free to members)
9.30: Step (free to members)
10.30: Pilates
18.00: Stretch (free to members)
19.00: Zumba (book at 0860788112)
9.00: Ballet (various classes)
10.00: Strength & Conditioning (free to members)
14.00: Karate (various classes)
10.30: Ballet (various classes)
11.00: Junior Gym
Class Description
Kettlebell: a strength class using kettlebells.
Cycle Ski Row: a circuit type class in gym. Interval training plus cardio. Polar monitors used to measure your intensity.
Karate: self-defence class for adults and children.
Polar Spin: cardio and interval training cycle class in the studio. Polar monitors used to measure your intensity.
Pilates: a series of movements for strength and mobility. Similarities to yoga.
Fitsteps: a dance fitness workout that combines all your favourite Strictly dances to give you an all over body workout.
Strength & Conditioning: a combination of basic strength exercises and carrying movements using balls, kettlebells, sandbags etc. This class takes place on our indoor track.
Circuits: interval training in our studio. Cardio and strength benefits.
Ballet: artistic dance performed to music. Exams and shows. Adults also.
Sculpt & Mobility: a slow paced class which works on strength and mobility.
Junior Gym: a gym and studio based workout for ages 10-14. Fully supervised.
Step: a classic cardio workout to music using a raised platform. Pick your own height.
Stretch: a class dedicated to developing an improved range of movement.